25 oars available!
The Board of Governors is offering “blank” wooden oars to Member families who want to add their names to those currently displayed on the upstairs Clubhouse rafters. The project is a fundraiser to support improvements to the Clubhouse bathroom facilities; each “blank” wooden oar will cost $200. upon receipt. Participating families can then personally decorate their “blank” oars with their name, year they joined the PBC and some favorite motif, often beach or nautical themed as you can see. Decorated oars will then be installed in the Clubhouse through the summer season.
For the convenience of all, Members who choose to participate can make credit card payment (1) through the online PBC Swag site, (2) at the Swag Sale during the first 30 minutes of the Opening Party, and (3) by personal check payable to the “Plum Beach Club” submitted to Lisa Andrews, Club Member.
Lisa Andrews will be available to provide the “blank” oars, track payments, accept decorated oars for display and answer any questions. She can be reached at: 401 954-1278 by call or text email: lisaan@cox.net.
Local delivery or pickup only due to size.
Thank you for the support!